提出期限: | 2001年8月15日 |
提出日: | 2001年8月15日 |
そこで、前田氏の電卓を改良すれば、簡単に高機能な電卓が作れそうだが、良く分からないまま改良をして機能追加しても、余り勉強にならないので、大したものではなくても良いから、自分でflex, bisonを使って1から作ってみようと思った。
しかし、一応は何か作らねばならないので、Cygwinをインストールし、試しに簡単なbisonの練習用プログラムを打ち込み、実行してみた。その後、字句解析部分をflexで出来るようにして、flex, bisonを使ったプログラムの仕方を一応大体理解した。
そして、次にsin, cos等の組み込み関数を使えるようにしたい。これは簡単である。flexとbisonにそれぞれ、ちょっとプログラムを書いてやるだけで出来てしまう。結局、私のプログラムでは、
"sin, cos, tan, arccos, arcsin, arctan, cosh, sinh, tanh, exp, ln, log, sqrt"
そして最後は、行列を扱えるようにした。行列を扱えるようにするため、expの数値を格納する変数(私の場合はnum* val)に、その値の種類(複素数か行列か)、実数値、虚数値、行列の要素へのポインタ、行列の行・列数を入れられるようにした。以下の構造体がそれである。
struct num { int kind; /* VAL or PROC */ double real; double image; double *proc; int x_width; int y_width; }; typedef struct num num;
struct symboltable { char *name; int kind; double real; double image; double* proc; int x_width; int y_width; struct symboltable * next; }; typedef struct symboltable symboltable;
| (1) |
[1 2;3 4]のようにして表せるように簡単に構文規則も作ってみた。
今回私の作成した電卓は、以上のようなものである。 簡単に仕様をまとめると、
といったところである。まだまだ大したものではないが、こんなに簡単に電卓のインタプリタが作れるということに感動した。まだ、エラー処理やメモリ管理など厳密にやらなければならない部分が多々あるが、自分で全てプログラムを組むのと比べれば、遥かに楽である。flex, bisonの使い方は分かったので、今回の課題を練習とし、いずれ、もっと本格的なものを作ってみたいと思っている。
# 一般的な複素数の演算をしてみる 25+32*(7*3+4); ans = 825 5.2i*3.1+2.5*4+(2i*3-1.2); ans = 8.8+22.12i # 変数を使って、計算してみる oishi = 2.3+3.2i; ans = 2.3+3.2i shinichi = 5.3i-2.3; ans = -2.3+5.3i oishi+shinichi; ans = 8.5i oishi-shinichi; ans = 4.6-2.1i oishi*shinichi; ans = -22.25+4.83i oishi/shinichi; ans = 0.349611-0.58568i # 組み込み関数(変数)を使ってみる a=sin(0.6*pi); ans = -0.309017 b=cos(1.3*pi); ans = -0.809016 a*b; ans = 0.25 # 行列の演算を行ってみる [1 2; 3 4]; ans = 1 2 3 4 3 + [1 2;3 4]; ans = 4 5 6 7 [2 4;6 7] + 8; ans = 10 12 14 15 2-[1 2;3 4]; ans = 1 0 -1 -2 [1 2;3 4]-5; ans = -4 -3 -2 -1 A = [3 4; 5 6]; ans = 3 4 5 6 B = [2 5; 7 8]; ans = 2 5 7 8 A+B; ans = 5 9 12 14 A-B; ans = 1 -1 -2 -2 2*A-3*B; ans = 0 -7 -11 -12 A*B; ans = 34 47 52 73 # 連立方程式を解いてみる A = [2 6 4;3 7 2; 1 2 3]; ans = 2 6 4 3 7 2 1 2 3 b = [8;6;7]; ans = 8 6 7 x = A \ b; ans = 3 -1 2
/* * flex file for 'expr' * * Programmed by Takuya Saito * 2001-8-15 * */ %{ #include "cal.h" #include "y.tab.h" %} %option noyywrap %s COMMENT %s GRETU %% <INITIAL>0i? { num *ptr; ptr = (num *) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr->kind = VAL; ptr->real = 0; ptr->image = 0; yylval.val = ptr; return NUMBER; } <INITIAL>[1-9][0-9]* { num *ptr; ptr = (num *) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr->kind = VAL; ptr->real = atof(yytext); ptr->image = 0; yylval.val = ptr; return NUMBER; } <INITIAL>[1-9][0-9]*i { num *ptr; ptr = (num *) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr->kind = VAL; ptr->image = atof(yytext); ptr->real = 0; yylval.val = ptr; return NUMBER; } <INITIAL>[0-9]*\.[0-9]* { num *ptr; ptr = (num *) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr->kind = VAL; sscanf(yytext, "%lf", &(ptr->real)); ptr->image = 0; yylval.val = ptr; return NUMBER; } <INITIAL>[0-9]*\.[0-9]*i { num *ptr; ptr = (num *) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr->kind = VAL; sscanf(yytext, "%lfi", &(ptr->image)); ptr->real = 0; yylval.val = ptr; return NUMBER; } <INITIAL>"pi" return PI; <INITIAL>"sin" return SIN; <INITIAL>"cos" return COS; <INITIAL>"tan" return TAN; <INITIAL>"arccos" return ACOS; <INITIAL>"arcsin" return ASIN; <INITIAL>"arctan" return ATAN; <INITIAL>"cosh" return COSH; <INITIAL>"sinh" return SINH; <INITIAL>"tanh" return TANH; <INITIAL>"exp" return EXP; <INITIAL>"ln" return LN; <INITIAL>"log" return LOG; <INITIAL>"sqrt" return SQRT; <INITIAL>[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* { symboltable* s; s = getsym(yytext); if ( s == 0 ) { s = putsym(yytext); } yylval.tableptr = s; return VAR; } <INITIAL>"+" return PLUS; <INITIAL>"-" return MINUS; <INITIAL>"*" return MULT; <INITIAL>"/" return DIV; <INITIAL>"^" return EXPON; <INITIAL>"(" return LB; <INITIAL>")" return RB; <INITIAL>";" return SEMICOLON; <INITIAL>"=" return ASSIGN; <INITIAL>"[" return LK; <INITIAL>"]" return RK; <INITIAL>"\\" return YEN; <INITIAL>^# BEGIN COMMENT; <INITIAL>[ \n\t] ; <INITIAL>. { yyerror("Illegal character"); return(SEMICOLON); } <COMMENT>\n BEGIN INITIAL; <COMMENT>. ; %% extern symboltable *sym_table; /* allocate new variable */ symboltable* putsym(char* sym_name) { symboltable *ptr; ptr = (symboltable*) malloc (sizeof(symboltable)); ptr->kind = VAL; ptr->name = (char*) malloc (strlen (sym_name) + 1); strcpy (ptr->name, sym_name); ptr->real = 0; ptr->image = 0; ptr->proc = 0; ptr->x_width = 0; ptr->y_width = 0; ptr->next = (struct symboltable *) sym_table; sym_table = ptr; return ptr; } /* search for variable */ symboltable* getsym(char *sym_name) { symboltable *ptr; for (ptr = sym_table; ptr != (symboltable*) 0; ptr = (symboltable*)ptr->next) if (strcmp(ptr->name, sym_name) == 0) return ptr; return 0; }
/* * Calculator (bison file) * * Programmed by Takuya Saito * 2001-8-15 * */ %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "cal.h" %} %union { num* val; symboltable* tableptr; } %token <val> NUMBER GNUM %token <tableptr> VAR %token PLUS MINUS MULT DIV EXPON SEMICOLON %token LB RB ASSIGN YEN %token SIN COS TAN SINH COSH TANH ACOS ASIN ATAN %token EXP LN LOG SQRT PI %token LK RK %left MINUS PLUS LB %left MULT DIV YEN %right EXPON RB %type <val> exp %% input: | input line ; line: SEMICOLON | exp SEMICOLON { disp($1); } ; glist: nums { ProcyPlus(); } | glist SEMICOLON nums { ProcyPlus(); } ; nums: exp { proc_num($1); } | nums exp { proc_num($2); } ; exp: NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | VAR { $$ = (num*) var_to_num($1); } | VAR ASSIGN exp { $$ = (num*) var_assign($1, $3); } | exp PLUS exp { $$ = (num*) enzan(PLUS, $1, $3); } | exp MINUS exp { $$ = (num*) enzan(MINUS, $1, $3); } | exp MULT exp { $$ = (num*) enzan(MULT, $1, $3); } | exp DIV exp { $$ = (num*) enzan(DIV, $1, $3); } | exp YEN exp { $$ = (num*) equation($1,$3); } | MINUS exp %prec MINUS { $$ = (num*)minus( $2 ); } | exp EXPON exp { $1->real = pow($1->real, $3->real); $$ = $1;} | LB exp RB { $$ = $2; } | COS LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (COS, $3); } | SIN LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (SIN, $3); } | TAN LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (TAN, $3); } | ACOS LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (ACOS, $3); } | ASIN LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (ASIN, $3); } | ATAN LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (ATAN, $3); } | COSH LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (COSH, $3); } | SINH LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (SINH, $3); } | TANH LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (TANH, $3); } | EXP LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (EXP, $3); } | LN LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (LN, $3); } | LOG LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (LOG, $3); } | SQRT LB exp RB { $$ = (num*) defined_func (SQRT, $3); } | PI { $$ = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); $$->real = 3.141592; $$->image = 0.0; $$->kind = VAL; } | LK glist RK { double *ptr; int x, y; $$ = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); ptr = (double *)proc_list(&x, &y); $$->kind = PROC; $$->proc = ptr; $$->x_width = x; $$->y_width = y; } ; %% yyerror(char *s) { printf("%s\n", s); } symboltable *sym_table = (symboltable*) 0; proclist *gProc1stPtr = (proclist*) 0; int gProc_x = 0; int gProc_y = 0; int main() { gProc1stPtr = 0; yyparse(); }
/* * Subroutine for expr.y * * Programmed by Takuya Saito * 2001-8-15 * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "cal.h" #include "y.tab.h" #include "f2c.h" extern int dgemm_(char *transa, char *transb, int *m, int * n, int *k, double *alpha, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *beta, double *c__, int *ldc); extern proclist *gProc1stPtr; extern int gProc_x; extern int gProc_y; /* display result */ void disp(num* val) { double r, i; printf("\nans =\n"); if (val->kind == VAL) { r = val->real; i = val->image; if (r != 0.0 && i != 0.0) { if (i >= 0.0) { printf(" %g+%gi\n", r, i); } else { printf(" %g%gi\n", r, i); } } else if (r != 0.0 && i == 0.0) { printf(" %g\n", r); } else if (r == 0.0 && i != 0.0) { printf(" %gi\n", i); } else { printf(" 0\n"); } } else { int x,y,xw,yw; xw = val->x_width; yw = val->y_width; for (y=0; y < yw; y++) { printf(" "); for (x=0; x < xw; x++) { printf("%g ", val->proc[x*yw+y]); } printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } num* enzan(int kind, num* val1, num* val3) { double r1, r3, i1, i3; double cd2, c2, d2; r1 = val1->real; i1 = val1->image; r3 = val3->real; i3 = val3->image; switch(kind) { case PLUS: if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == VAL) { val1->real = r1 + r3; val1->image = i1 + i3; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == PROC) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; yw = val1->y_width; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * val1->x_width * val1->y_width); for (x=0; x < val1->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->proc[x*yw+y] + val3->proc[x*yw+y]; val1->proc = ptr; } else if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == PROC) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; num* val; yw = val3->y_width; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * val3->x_width*val3->y_width); val = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); for (x=0; x < val3->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->real + val3->proc[x*yw+y]; val->kind = PROC; val->proc = ptr; val->x_width = val3->x_width; val->y_width = val3->y_width; return val; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == VAL) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; num* val; yw = val1->y_width; ptr = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * val1->x_width * val1->y_width); val = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); for (x=0; x < val1->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->proc[x*yw+y] + val3->real; val->kind = PROC; val->proc = ptr; val->x_width = val1->x_width; val->y_width = val1->y_width; return val; } break; case MINUS: if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == VAL) { val1->real = r1 - r3; val1->image = i1 - i3; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == PROC) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * val1->x_width * val1->y_width); yw = val1->y_width; for (x=0; x < val1->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->proc[x*yw+y] - val3->proc[x*yw+y]; val1->proc = ptr; } else if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == PROC) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; num* val; ptr = (double*)malloc (sizeof(double) * val3->x_width*val3->y_width); val = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); yw = val3->y_width; for (x=0; x < val3->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->real - val3->proc[x*yw+y]; val->kind = PROC; val->proc = ptr; val->x_width = val3->x_width; val->y_width = val3->y_width; return val; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == VAL) { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; num* val; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double)*val1->x_width*val1->y_width); val = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); yw = val1->y_width; for(x=0; x < val1->x_width; x++) for(y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = val1->proc[x*yw+y] - val3->real; val->kind = PROC; val->proc = ptr; val->x_width = val1->x_width; val->y_width = val1->y_width; return val; } break; case MULT: if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == VAL) { val1->real = r1*r3 - i1*i3; val1->image = r1*i3 + i1*r3; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == PROC) { int m, n, k, lda, ldb, ldc; char transa, transb; double alpha, beta; double* C; m = val1->y_width; k = val1->x_width; n = val3->x_width; lda = m; ldb = k; ldc = m; alpha = 1.0; beta = 0.0; transa = 'n'; transb = 'n'; C = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * m * n); /* call BLAS function */ dgemm_(&transa, &transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, val1->proc, &lda, val3->proc, &ldb, &beta, C, &ldc); val1->kind = PROC; val1->real = 0; val1->image = 0; val1->proc = C; val1->x_width = n; val1->y_width = m; } else if (val1->kind == VAL && val3->kind == PROC) { int x, y, yw; double real; real = val1->real; yw = val3->y_width; for (x=0; x < val3->x_width; x++) { for (y=0; y < val3->y_width; y++) { val3->proc[x*yw + y] *= real; } } val1->kind = PROC; val1->real = 0; val1->image = 0; val1->proc = val3->proc; val1->x_width = val3->x_width; val1->y_width = val3->y_width; } else if (val1->kind == PROC && val3->kind == VAL) { int x, y, yw; double real; real = val3->real; yw = val1->y_width; for (x=0; x < val1->x_width; x++) { for (y=0; y < val1->y_width; y++) { val1->proc[x*yw + y] *= real; } } } break; case DIV: cd2 = r3*r3 + i3*i3; c2 = r3 / cd2; d2 = -i3 / cd2; val1->real = r1*c2 - i1*d2; val1->image = r1*d2 + i1*c2; break; } return val1; } /* minus value */ num* minus(num* val) { if (val->kind == VAL) { val->real = -val->real; val->image = -val->image; } else { int x, y, yw; double* ptr; yw = val->y_width; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * val->x_width * val->y_width); for (x=0; x < val->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < yw; y++) ptr[x*yw+y] = - val->proc[x*yw+y]; val->proc = ptr; } return val; } /* defined functions */ num* defined_func(int kind, num* val) { switch(kind) { case COS: val->real = sin(val->real); break; case SIN: val->real = cos(val->real); break; case TAN: val->real = tan(val->real); break; case ACOS: val->real = acos(val->real); break; case ASIN: val->real = asin(val->real); break; case ATAN: val->real = atan(val->real); break; case COSH: val->real = cosh(val->real); break; case SINH: val->real = sinh(val->real); break; case TANH: val->real = tanh(val->real); break; case EXP: val->real = exp(val->real); break; case LN: val->real = log(val->real); break; case LOG: val->real = log10(val->real); break; case SQRT: val->real = sqrt(val->real); break; } return val; } /* x=A\b */ num* equation(num* A, num* b) { int x, y; int n, nrhs, lda, ldb, info; int* ipiv; double* X; double* A2; num* re; n = A->y_width; ipiv = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * A->y_width); nrhs = b->x_width; lda = A->y_width; ldb = A->y_width; X= (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * b->x_width * b->y_width); for (x=0; x < b->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < b->y_width; y++) X[x*b->y_width + y] = b->proc[x*b->y_width + y]; A2 = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * A->x_width * A->y_width); for (x=0; x < A->x_width; x++) for (y=0; y < A->y_width; y++) A2[x*A->y_width + y] = A->proc[x*A->y_width + y]; /* call lapack function */ dgesv_(&n, &nrhs, A2, &lda, ipiv, X, &ldb, &info); re = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); re->kind = PROC; re->real = 0; re->image = 0; re->proc = X; re->x_width = b->x_width; re->y_width = b->y_width; return re; } /* variable to num */ num* var_to_num(symboltable* val) { num* p; p = (num*) malloc (sizeof(num)); p->kind = val->kind; p->real = val->real; p->image = val->image; p->proc = val->proc; p->x_width = val->x_width; p->y_width = val->y_width; return p; } /* variable assign */ num* var_assign(symboltable* tp, num* val) { tp->kind = val->kind; tp->real = val->real; tp->image = val->image; tp->proc = val->proc; tp->x_width = val->x_width; tp->y_width = val->y_width; return val; } void proc_num(num* val) { proclist* ptr; ptr = (proclist*) malloc (sizeof(proclist)); if (gProc1stPtr == 0) { /* when first time */ gProc1stPtr = ptr; gProc_x = 1; gProc_y = 0; } else { /* when not first time */ proclist *p; /* searching for the last pointer */ for (p=gProc1stPtr; p->next != 0; p = p->next) ; p->next = ptr; gProc_x++; } ptr->real = val->real; ptr->next = 0; } double* proc_list(int* x_width, int* y_width) { proclist* p; double *ptr, *ptr2; int x, y, x2, y2, i; y = gProc_y; x = gProc_x / gProc_y; ptr = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * x * y); ptr2 = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * x * y); p = gProc1stPtr; for (i = 0; i < x*y; i++) { ptr[i] = p->real; p = p->next; } for (x2=0; x2 <= x; x2++) { for (y2=0; y2 <= y; y2++) { ptr2[x2*y + y2] = ptr[x2 + y2*x]; } } *x_width = x; *y_width = y; gProc_x = 0; gProc_y = 0; gProc1stPtr = 0; return ptr2; } void ProcyPlus() { gProc_y++; }
#define VAL 1 #define PROC 2 struct num { int kind; /* VAL or PROC */ double real; double image; double *proc; int x_width; int y_width; }; typedef struct num num; struct symboltable { char *name; int kind; double real; double image; double* proc; int x_width; int y_width; struct symboltable * next; }; typedef struct symboltable symboltable; struct proclist { double real; struct proclist *next; }; typedef struct proclist proclist; symboltable* putsym(char* sym_name); symboltable* getsym(char* sym_name);